This Photo Ruined My Day
So this title might not be entirely accurate. The photo didn’t ruin my day, but the lady who yelled at me while taking the photo did.
I enjoy taking my camera everywhere with me, especially now that I have a more compact option. As my good friend says, “always be capturing”. My teenager forgot something at home and needed it delivered to the coffee shop they work at. Being the nice dad that I am, I walked it over to their work, and of course, brought my camera.
As I walked home, I remembered that some of our neighbors have some really cool antique cars in the neighboring alleyway. I walked through and started snapping some pics. (Keep in mind, that I wasn’t trespassing or anything. I stayed in the alleyway). As I was taking this photo, I hear in the distance, “HEY! Can I help you?”.
I politely responded, “nope, I’m good, I’m just taking photos”.
“Can I ask why?” she said (in a not-so-nice tone)
Surprised and not knowing what to say since I wasn’t in the mindset of defending myself, I just responded. “I take photos, it’s what I do”.
She drilled me with several more questions and we parted ways.
I think I was able to defuse the situation and let her know that I was harmless, but I wasn’t expecting this tense encounter, especially when I was just out for a stroll.
It did really ruin my day, and now I have this experience in the back of my mind when looking at this awesome photo.
I think the photo turned out great. I love the distressed car and the overall atmosphere. I’m sure as time passes, I’ll forget the negativity and look at the positive. Who knows, maybe I’ll make a print of it and set it on her porch.
Another Neighbor’s car in the same alleyway.